Tuesday, May 19, 2009
3:21 AM
nothing is fantastic!!!not a single As for now!!!which sucked..got b4 for maths...b3 for physics???what does that mean??completely hopeless..my stronger subjects have drop till thaT???wow..sucks man...another news....CONGRATZ fellow 4e4 classmates!!..WE ALL FAILED SOCIAL STUDIES...wow...we have put in tons of effort in this exam...however..theres not enough time....blame on us???time management...
looked at all the mistakes done in maths paper..TONS OF FREAKING CARELESS MISTAKES..NO WONDER MS SHARIFFA START SCOLDING US...she even asked me..careless mistakes huh...yeah alot....only paper 1...15marks..gone for nothing.......for circular properties..really..1 mistake every single 1 wrong...amazing??just the top..multiply wrongly..whole qn wrong...cool right...
D&T..sometimes felt..teacher have some sort of biasness???i put in effort and did 6 full pages of development and stuff..what i got in return???failed for section..when others...half a page....i made my research throughout my development...with all these..deserved a fail reason? does all my things solve the problem??hey..not everythings are perfect???....i really wonder why sometimes....and the D&T paper was the only theory paper i manage to get relatively well for a D&T Theory paper alr..i am satisfied for paper..and folio...failed every single one...THE WHOLE THING....cant expect what would happen for the rest of the subjects...and he want people finalised design when he call me sort of redo???wth is wrong with him for now....i admit my research really nvr do enough....bt development???why??!!!!
i seriously think 4e4 let down quite a number of teacher in this mid-year.....science ,humanities and maths....ZZZZZZZZZZZ
Sealing the Shinigami
Thursday, May 14, 2009
11:18 PM
Although mid-year examination have just ended..i really have no mood to relax or celebrates!!
found out that my D&T journal failed...yeaps failed...expected though...and i kinda need to re-do everything on development..great ain't it?? and i believe my paper wont passed.
this year sucked..everything sucks..EVERYTHING*!!hais.....spend so much time redo-ing..editing..
results really sucked...maths paper..was screwed...left the whole radian qn blanked..and hell lot more paper that i did really badly from my point of view..which will be lousier than what will be shown on the paper..the only 1 that could possibly ace is only principles of account..cos i got 50.5/60 for now..so..lets just see how i will do for paper 1 bahs....haiS!!!!AHHH!!!!!!
Sealing the Shinigami