Monday, April 26, 2010
4:13 AM
woah..i totally loved my new earpiece.. the david's fomula H215
the sound quality is soooooo shiok...but still ITE sucks.LOLS
Sealing the Shinigami
Sunday, April 18, 2010
1:53 AM
i recently have some nice design ideas...hmmm..wonder should i draw it out ??? hais..
Sealing the Shinigami
Saturday, April 17, 2010
7:28 AM
How contradicting..last year end...the govt was saying they want to use less foreign they need more educated immigrant-.- isn't it the opposite???
Sealing the Shinigami
Friday, April 16, 2010
10:47 PM
it's really bullshit in ite lar...start frm 1 lesson...CAD wth???? i self-learned it last year-.-
turning and milling..other than milling...turning, the lathe machine i learn from dnt what's the point?? milling basically no much diff what-.- and sec sch tcher can finish teaching stuff in 1 lesson or 2-.- waste my life-.-
Sealing the Shinigami
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
6:20 AM
FML or what?
1st o level..2nd appeal result...3rd going into ite... 4th class no girls...5th the director gave a fucked up speech...FML! english u have caused me tons of trouble...just cos of life is ruined....
Sealing the Shinigami
Thursday, April 8, 2010
6:11 AM
"Applications is based on Merit" BULLLSHITTT!!!! people can get 21 going into 16 points course..BULLSHIT.. 28 getting into 26 course.. while 19 cant get into 26 course...TOTAL BULLSHIT..what type of meritocracy was that??
Sealing the Shinigami
Monday, April 5, 2010
6:46 AM
Life is full of unexpected events, not surprises
Sealing the Shinigami